Youth Participate in Movement to Fight Hunger

30 Hour Famine

On Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22 — the God Squad Youth Group participated in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine at Baker Chapel. The 30 Hour Famine is an opportunity for our youth to feel the hurts of a world in agony, a chance to step outside themselves if only just for a moment. And it’s a way for them to make a real difference in the lives of society’s most hurting souls. By doing the 30 Hour Famine, our youth experience a life in which their needs are met in Christ. During this retreat, they learn to see, not just to look…to empathize…to take action. To live out the Gospel for themselves.

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Motivated by their faith in Jesus Christ, they serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. They serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. Visit or to learn more.

30 Hour Famine

Led by Jeff and Noel Loehr, 10 students fasted from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. The group learned about hunger and poverty in the US and Africa. They worshiped, played games, and had lots of juice. The experience really opens the participants eyes to how millions live around the world.

On Saturday, participants took part in a Scavenger Hunt, visiting their friends, family, and members of our congregations to collect donations and food items. The group collected all kinds of nonperishable items as well as $142.00 in cash donations. All this was donated to Hope Central in Boonville.

At the end of the retreat, all of the participants has a nice big meal.

30 Hour Famine

Every $40 raised will help feed and care for a child for a month. World Vision puts the funds raised to work by bringing emergency food aid to disaster zones and equipping families with the tools they need to overcome hunger in their communities.

The Youth Group raised $3,125.00 for World Vision, which will feed 7 kids for an entire year.

Thanks to all who helped with this year’s 30 Hour Famine.